Privacy Policy

  • Objective

      This Privacy Policy has been adopted by Workline (or “we”) . Our aim is to ensure all personnel data processed by us should be kept safe and secured at all times and that personnel integrity is respected. This privacy policy sets out how we seek to protect personal data and ensure our personnel understand the rules. In addition this policy alsodescribes how Workline collects, uses and discloses information and choices Customers have with respect to the information.

  • Scope and Applicability

      This Privacy Policy, sets out principles that we, our employees, our consultants, our Customers and Third party partners must follow when processing data.This Privacy Policy applies to Workline’s onlineSaaS HRMS, including the associated mobile and desktop applications.

      Data Privacy Policy document shall be reviewed by Information Security Head once a year or at the time of any major change in existing environment affecting policy, whichever is earlier via My Gig Portal.

  • Exceptions

      Any exception to this requirement shall be reviewed and approved by Information Security Head respectively prior to acceptance and should be documented in the Exceptions Register.

  • Type of Information Collected

      Workline receives entity and employee information from the companies/ enterprises where it has signed a contract with, to provide the SaaS HRMS services. The data shared is controlled by the Customer. They (Customer) own’s the privileges and provide the rights to access information. Workline’s self-service lets the Customer access their personal information. Customer also have the option to set which fields can be viewed and/or edited for different roles within their own entity.

      PII - Personally Identifiable Information - PII is information that identifies, relates to, describes, references or is capable of being associated with, or could be reasonably linked - directly or indirectly - with a particular individual consumer or device. Examples include name, address, date of birth, race, citizenship, employment status, non-public education

      PII Controller - The PII controller is the entity that determines the purpose and means for processing PII, define why and how PII is processed, and is responsible for the implementation of privacy and security protocols to meet applicable legal standards.

      PII Processor - The PII processor then processes PII on behalf of and in accordance with the instructions and privacy controls set by the PII controller.


      Workline does not use any of its Customers entity and/or employee data for any purposes. Workline is only the processor of the information and not the controller. Workline’s Customer is the controller of its own data, Workline provides SaaS HRMS to the Customer for use based on the signed agreement with Workline.

      Workline uses primary Customer contact information in furtherance of our legitimate interests in operating our services, SaaS HRMS and business. More specifically, Workline uses contact information:

      • To provide, update, maintain and protect our services, SaaS HRMS and business. This includes use of contact information to support delivery of the services under a Customer agreement, prevent or address service errors, security or technical issues, analyse and monitor usage, trends and other activities or at an Authorised Customer contact’s request.

      • As required by applicable law, legal process or regulation.

      • To communicate with Customer by responding to their requests, comments and questions. If the customer contacts us, we may use their contact information to respond.

      • To send emails and other communications. We may send you service, technical and other administrative emails, messages and other types of communications. We may also contact you to inform you about changes in our services, our services offerings and important services-related notices, such as security and fraud notices. These communications are considered part of the services and you may not opt out of them. In addition, we sometimes send emails about new product features, promotional communications or other news about Workline These are marketing messages, so you can control whether you receive them.

      • For billing, account management and other administrative matters. Workline may need to contact you for invoicing, account management and similar reasons and we use account data to administer accounts and keep track of billing and payments.

      • To investigate and help prevent security issues and abuse.

  • Data Retention

      Workline will retain Customer data in accordance with any applicable terms in the Customer Agreement and Customer’s use of Workline functionality, and as required by applicable law.

  • Share and disclose Data

      Workline by itself does not share and/ or disclose data gathered from Customers in any manner. Customers may from time to time provide Workline with information and/or access to information concerning individuals (Consumers/ Employees) “Personal Data”. Workline acknowledges that its right to use and re-disclose Personal Data is limited to the conditions laid out in the respective contracts with the Customer.

      To protect the privacy of information concerning consumers/ employees, Workline limits access of Personal Data to Workline’s employees who have a need to know, but only to the extent that such disclosure is reasonably necessary for the performance of Worklines’ duties and obligations under the agreement with the Customer. Additional information related to these police can be found in “Workline – Acceptable Use Policy”

      In the event Workline is required to disclose any such information under Law, it shall do so only upon serving a prior written notice requiring such disclosure.Workline may engage third-party companies or individuals as service providers or business partners to process Information and support our business.

  • Data Security

      Workline ensures high-level security for data that is collected and processed. Data is encrypted in transit- TLS- (e.g., system interfaces, over public networks, and electronic messaging) and at rest within Workline’s storage (e.g., file servers, databases, and end-user workstations). To establish the utmost security, particular data fields can be encrypted according to the Customers discretion when stored in Workline’s database. Workforce files and file upload fields in Workline come with encryption by default.

  • Changes to Privacy Policy

      Workline may change this Privacy Policy from time to time. Laws, regulations and industry standards evolve, which may make those changes necessary, or we may make changes to our services or business. We will share the changes with all interested parties (e.g., employees, Customers, Third party partners) to review our Privacy Policy to stay informed.

  • Disciplinary Consequences

      All principles described in this policy must be strictly followed. A breach of data protection guidelines will invoke disciplinary action . Additional information related to these police can be found in “Workline – Disciplinary Process”and customer related data privacy breaches are reported via customer support team and documented as a part of NDA.

  • If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Statement, write to

  • Data Sub-processors

      Workline uses certain sub-processors and content delivery networks to assist it in providing the Workline HRMS Platform as described in the Service contract. Defined terms used herein shall have the same meaning as defined in the contract.

  • What is a Sub-processor?

      A sub-processor is a third-party data processor engaged by Workline, who has or potentially will have access to or process Service Data (which may contain Personal Data). Workline engages different types of sub-processors to perform various functions as explained in the tables below.

  • Due Diligence

      Workline undertakes to use a commercially reasonable selection process by which it evaluates the security, privacy and confidentiality practices of proposed sub-processors that will or may have access to or otherwise process Service Data.

  • Contractual Safeguards

      Workline generally requires its sub-processors to satisfy equivalent obligations as those required from Workline(as a Data Processor) as set forth in Workline Data Processing Agreement(“DPA”), including but not limited to the requirements to:

      • Process Personal Data in accordance with data controller’s (i.e. Subscriber’s) documented instructions (as communicated in writing to the relevant sub- processor by Workline);
      • In connection with their sub-processing activities, use only personnel who are reliable and subject to a contractually binding obligation to observe data privacy and security, to the extent applicable, pursuant to applicable data protection laws;
      • Provide regular training insecurity and data protection to personnel to whom they grant access to Personal Data;
      • Implement and maintain appropriate technical and organizational measures (including measures consistent with those to which Workline is contractually committed to adhere to in so far as they are equally relevant to the sub-processor’s processing of Personal – Data on Workline's behalf and provide an annual certification that evidence compliance with this obligation. In the absence of such certification, Workline reserves the right to audit the sub-processor;
      • Promptly inform Workline about any actual or potential security breach; and Cooperate with Workline to deal with requests from data controllers, data subjects, or data protection authorities, asapplicable.

      Third-party service providers which incidentally have access to Your Service Data in Innovation Services and are used to provide specific features or components of the product outside of the core hosting of Service Data (“Innovation Service Specific sub-processors”) are regularly reviewed by Workline to ensure they work towards implementing each of the standards described in this Section. However, Innovation Service Specific sub-processors may not currently meet all of the measures identified above.

      This policy does not give Subscribers any additional rights or remedies and should not be construed as a binding agreement. The information here in is only provided to illustrate Workline's engagement process for sub-processors as well as to provide the actual list of third-party sub-processors and content delivery networks used by Workline as of the date of this policy (which Workline may use in the delivery and support of its Services).

      If you are a Workline Subscriber and wish to enter our DPA, please email us at

  • Process to Engage New Sub-processors

      For all Subscribers who have executed Workline's standard DPA, Workline will provide notice via this policy of updates to the list of sub-processors that are utilized or which Workline proposes to utilize to deliverits Services. Workline undertakes to keep this list updated regularly to enable its clients to stay informed of the scope of sub-processing associated with the Workline Services.

      Pursuant to the DPA, a client may object in writing to the processing of it’s Personal Data by a new sub-processor within thirty (30) days following the update of this policy and such objection shall describe Subscriber’s legitimate reason(s) for objection. If a client does not object during such a time period, the new sub-processor(s) shall be deemed accepted.

      If a Subscriber objects to the use of a new sub-processor pursuant to the process provided under the DPA, Workline shall have the right to cure the objection through one of the following options (to be selected at Workline's sole discretion):

      • Workline will cease to use the new sub-processor with regard to Personal Data;
      • Workline will take the corrective steps requested by Subscriberin its objection (which steps will be deemed to resolve Subscriber’s objection) and proceed to use the sub-processor to process Personal Data; or
      • Workline may cease to provide or Subscriber may agree not to use (temporarily or permanently)the particular aspect of a Workline Service that would involve use of the sub-processor to process Personal Data.

      Termination rights, as applicable and agreed, are set forth exclusively in the DPA.

      The following is an up-to-date list(as of the date of this policy) of the names and locations of Workline sub-processors and content delivery networks:

  • Infrastructure Sub-processors - Service Data Storage and Processing

      Workline owns or controls access to the infrastructure that Workline uses to host and process Service Data submitted to the Services, other than as set forth herein. Currently, the Workline production systems used for hosting Service Data for the Services are located in co-location facilities in India and Singapore and in the infrastructure sub-processors listed below. Subscriber accounts are typically established in one of these regions based on where the Subscriber is located but may be shifted among locations to ensure performance and availability of the Services. The following table describes the countries and legal entities engaged by Workline in the storage of Service Data. Workline also uses additional services provided by these sub-processors to process Service Data as needed to provide the Services. Infrastructure sub-processors donot have control of customer data and Workline owns and manages data with in the service providers infrastructure. In case of data center failure Workline ensures data availability within geographies agreed between customers and Workline.

      Entity Name Entity Type Entity Country
      NA NA NA

  • Service Specific Sub-processors

      Workline works with certain third parties to provide specific functionality within the Services. These providers are the sub-processors set forth below. In order to provide the relevant functionality these sub-processors access Service Data. Their use is limited to the indicated Services. If Subscriber has purchased the Workline HRMS service, the sub-processors used forthe Suites will be in accordance with the sub-processors listed forthe underlying Services that make up the Workline HRMS service as applicable and detailed in this policy.

      Entity Name Purpose Entity Country Sub-processors privacy statement
      NA NA NA NA

  • If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Statement, write to

  • Information about Our Use of Cookies

      Our website uses cookies to distinguish you from other users of our website. This helps us to provide you with a good experience when you browse our website and also allows us to improve our website. Privacy laws in the European Economic Area (EEA), including the General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR, require websites to obtain consent using or storing some cookies (or similar technologies) on your computers or mobile devices. By indicating your consent to the use of cookies, you agree that we can place cookies and other similar technology on your device, including a mobile device. This cookie policy provides you with clear and comprehensive information about the cookies we use and the purposes for using those cookies. To review the general privacy policies that apply to users, please read our Privacy Policy.

  • What is a Cookie?

      A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that we store on your browser or the hard drive of your computer, and is downloaded to your computer or mobile device when you visit our website.

  • Key Concepts

      • First and third-party cookies: whether a cookie is 'first' or 'third' party refers to the domain placing the cookie. First-party cookies are those set by a website that is being visited by the user (e.g. cookies placed by
      • Third-party cookies: are cookies that are set by a domain other than that of the website being visited by the user. If a user visits a website and another entity sets a cookie through that website this would be a third-party cookie.
      • Persistent cookies: these cookies remain on a user's device for the period of time specified in the cookie. They are activated each time that the user visits the website that created that particular cookie.
      • Session cookies: : these cookies allow website operators to link the actions of a user during a browser session. A browser session starts when a user opens the browser window and finishes when they close the browser window. Session cookies are created temporarily. Once you close the browser, all session cookies are deleted.
  • How to Delete and Block our Cookies

      By indicating your consent to the use of cookies, you agree that we can place cookies on your device. If you do not consent, no cookies will be placed on your device, and no data will be collected. You may also block or delete cookies by activating the setting on your browser that allows you to refuse the setting of all or some cookies. However, please note that if you use your browser settings to block all cookies (including essential cookies) you may not be able to access all or parts of our website.

      For more information on how to delete or block cookies, See or

  • How to change Cookie setting?

      Internet browsers allow you to change your cookie settings. These settings are usually found in the 'options' or 'preferences' menu of your internet browser. You should use the 'Help' option in your internet browser for more details.

  • Cookie Audit

      We will perform a cookie audit on a regular basis, which will identify all cookies that our website installs, who owns those cookies, and their purpose, whether or not they fall within the definition “Strictly Necessary” for the service requested by the user, how intrusive the cookies are, and what steps should be taken to either remove the intrusive cookie or obtain the user’s informed consent.

  • What Cookies Do We Use and Why?

      To find out about specific cookies we use on this website, please see below for details. However, please note that not all cookies may be used in all jurisdictions or websites.

      The cookies used on our website are categorized as follows:

      • Strictly Necessary
      • Preferences
      • Statistics
      • Marketing
      • Third Party

  • Strictly Necessary

      "Strictly necessary" cookies let you move around the website and use essential features like accessing your profile and posting feedback. Without these cookies, these services cannot be provided. Please note that these cookies do not gather any information about you that could be used for marketing or remembering where you have been on the internet.

      We use these strictly necessary cookies to:

      • Identify you as being logged in to our website; and
      • Enable you to submit information via online forms such as registration and feedback forms.

      Accepting these cookies is a condition of using the website, so if you prevent these cookies we cannot guarantee your use of our website or how the security on our website will perform during your visit.

  • Strictly Necessary

      "Strictly necessary" cookies let you move around the website and use essential features like accessing your profile and posting feedback. Without these cookies, these services cannot be provided. Please note that these cookies do not gather any information about you that could be used for marketing or remembering where you have been on the internet.

      We use these strictly necessary cookies to:

      • Identify you as being logged in to our website; and
      • Enable you to submit information via online forms such as registration and feedback forms.

  • Preferences

      “Preference” cookies enable a website to remember information that changes the way the website behaves or looks, like your preferred language or the region that you are in. We use cookies that collect information about your choices and preferences. These cookies allow us to remember language or other local settings and customize the sites accordingly. We may store settings and preferences of our logged in users.

  • Statistic

      “Statistic” cookies help website owners understand how visitors interact with websites by collecting and reporting information anonymously. We use cookies to create anonymous statistics to understand which pages are popular or less popular at our website. This information enables us to improve the website for all visitors without storing personal data.

  • Third Party Cookies

      “Third Party” cookies are used within our services which are set by other organizations. We use cookies served by third parties in order to improve our website; personalize your experience; and understand how our website is used.

      While accessing our website, some cookies may be sent from other websites like Facebook, Twitter, etc. These Third Party cookies are responsible for having their own cookie and privacy policies. They are not under our control and are not monitored or reviewed by us.

      Before using Third Party cookies, please read and understand their cookie and privacy policies to ensure you agree to their terms.

      Third party companies Purpose Applicable Privacy/Cookie Policy Link
      Google Analytics, show targeted, relevant advertisements and re-targeted advertisements to visitors of Worklinewebsite Opt Out:
      Youtube Show targeted, relevant advertisements. Show embedded videos on Worklinewebsite Opt Out:
      Twitter Show targeted, relevant advertisements and re-targeted advertisements to visitors of Worklinewebsite Opt out:
      LinkedIn Show targeted, relevant advertisements and re-targeted advertisements to visitors of Worklinewebsite Opt-out:
      add this To share content from Worklinewebsite on social media
      Facebook Show targeted, relevant advertisements Opt Out:

  • More Information About Cookies

      More information about cookies can be found at:

  • If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Statement, write to

    Q: How is my personal information protected?

    A: We take your privacy seriously. Your data is encrypted using industry-standard protocols, and our security measures are regularly updated to safeguard your information from unauthorized access

    Q: What kind of information do you collect from users?

    A: We collect only the necessary information required to provide our services. This typically includes your name, contact details, and relevant preferences. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for detailed information

    Q: How long do you retain my personal data?

    A: We retain your data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in our Privacy Policy. You can review specific data retention periods in the policy or contact our privacy team for more details.

    Q: Will my information be shared with third parties?

    A: We do not sell or lease your personal information to third parties. Rest assured, the data sharing is always done in compliance with applicable privacy laws.

    Q: Can I update or delete my personal information?

    A: Yes, you have the right to update or delete your personal information. You can do this by accessing your account settings or contacting our customer support. Please review our Privacy Policy for more details on your rights

    Q: How do you use cookies on your website?

    A: We use cookies to enhance your browsing experience, personalize content, and analyze website traffic. You can manage your cookie preferences in your browser settings. For more information, please refer to our Cookie Policy.

    Q: Do you comply with data protection laws?

    A: Yes, we strictly adhere to data protection laws and regulations. Our privacy practices are designed to meet or exceed the requirements outlined in applicable privacy legislation.

    Q: How will I be notified of changes to your privacy policy?

    A: Any updates to our privacy policy will be communicated to users through email, website notifications, or other appropriate channels. We recommend checking our Privacy Policy periodically for the latest information.

    Please feel free to ask questions and share concerns with us at